Cakes made with SCRIMP

Now that you are a expert on how to bake a composite cake with SCRIMP, here's a few cakes that other people have made and can be made using the patented SCRIMP Process.

You can make things with SCRIMP that go in the ocean . . .

either over it like this boat or fixed in one place like this drilling platform,

or you can build things for use on land . . .

on the road like this bus or on rails like this train .

You can also make parts for bridges . . .

like this overpass or this bridge . . .

and finally, you can make almost anything where steel might traditionally be used . . .

like energy applications like these windmills or military uses like this hovercraft.

So, you can see that if you make your cake with SCRIMP you have a whole bunch of choices of what kind of cake you can make. It's almost like a cake buffet. YUM!!!

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